Firearm Refinishing


1911 Slide - Before Refinishing   1911 Slide - After Repair & Grit Blasting
1911 Slide - After Manganese Parkerizing   Refinished Colt Sistema 1911's
Galil Magazines - After Zinc Parkerizing



EFI, LLC is proud to offer color anodizing. Currently it is available in black, gray, and OD green (shown). We are working on the recipes for coyote brown and flat dark earth.


In addition to solid color anodizing, we are one of the few companies in the United States that offers pattern anodizing. This finish is not a spray, coat, paint, or dip - the color and pattern are embedded directly into finish during the anodizing process.



EFI, LLC offers fire and rust bluing. Cost depends on the condition of the firearm as we do our best to restore it to as close to the original condition as possible without diminishing its potential as a collectible.


EFI, LLC: Serving the Shenendoah Valley as a Gunsmith and Custom Firearm Manufacturer Since 2008.